TISA 3D for Wireline Logging

The TISA 3D tool performs wireline logging deeper into the surrounding formation. From the radar response the electric properties of the reservoir rock can be measured, such as dielectric constant and resistivity. This provides a better estimation of the water salinity and saturation, porosity and hydrocarbon content of the formation.

  • TISA 3D acts as both imaging tool and wireline logging tool
  • Imaging through reflections, tomography and 3D logging

Application of TISA 3D in several geological situations

The TISA 3D technology can be of use in several geological scenarios. The figure below visualizes several of these situations, in which the technology adds extra value to an oil and gas company:

  1. Compartmentalization: compartmentalized oil fields are very difficult to develop, which is mainly related to the distribution, inter-distance and geometry of faults. TISA 3D can help to locate faults in high detail, thereby assisting decision-makers in the development of a field.
  2. Identifying oil-water-contacts (OWC): the specific identification of an OWC is of special interest in the oil and gas industry. An optimal identification helps to obtain more realistic volume estimations; clarifying regional versus local OWC’s; optimizing placement of development wells and reduces the necessity of extra evaluation wells. Overall exploration risks can be reduced significantly.
  3. Near-Field Exploration (NFE): increasing the Possibility Of Success (POS) of prospects in adjacent blocks is a very valuable asset of the TISA 3D. Additionally drill risks are reduced by placing wells away from faults.