About T&A Survey

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About T&A Survey

T&A (Technology & Advice) Survey is an experienced, independent and technically advanced soil research agency from Amsterdam. We provide solution-oriented advice and relieve our customers of any concerns by combining different specialties in the field of soil and water bottom research. This is how we always find the best solution for any soil problem!

"Our mission is to carry out soil surveys in a professional, efficient and safe way, always putting the interests our customers and the continuity of the working relationship first." Michiel van Oers, CEO


T&A has a multidisciplinary, pragmatic, highly educated team and has the latest geophysical measurement techniques in-house. This allows us to offer the best value for money. If unexpected problems arise during a survey, T&A solves them efficiently and expertly, making sure the consequences are minimal.

Company history

T&A was founded in 1992 by geologist Robert van Ingen. Initially T&A's main activity was project management for environmental research. T&A now has approximately 30 employees and expanded its activities to R&D, geophysical and UXO research, (combined) archaeological investigations, research for geothermal energy, WWII aircraft recoveries and drone surveys.


Our customers

Among its customers, T&A can name all major engineering offices, building contractors, oil and gas companies, as well as regional and national authorities of the Netherlands, such as ProRail and the Department of Public Works.


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T&A and sustainability

For T&A survey, entrepreneurship and responisbility go hand in hand. This is why we have made it our goal to monitor and improve our efforts to reduce CO2 emission.

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Privacy statement

Please read here how we handle personal data.

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