Geothermal quick scan

With this short and cost-saving research it is possible to determine whether it makes sense to carry out further research into underground water resources, which can be used for geothermal energy or  Heat & Cold Storage (HCS).

The quick scan consists of three successive, independent components: 

  • Geological quick scan: What are the geological possibilities? Should we do further investigation? To find an answer to these question we use reports, maps and raw data to assess existing depth charts and deep exploration drillings of the research location in order to determine whether a suitable geothermal reservoir is present and, if so, where it's located.
  • P10-P50-P90 study: This general analysis provides an insight into the expected thermal capacity of the geothermal system.
  • Financial quick scan: What are the expected costs for the construction of a geothermal system?

Based on the results, T&A elaborates a concise report. By performing a quick scan, customers can be protected from unnecessary and costly follow-up studies and procedures.