In order for a geothermal project to be successful, it is crucial to know the structure and geology of the subsurface of the location. This requires an extensive geological study. In this study the figures the business case will be based on are determined, for example the optimal location in the reservoir and the potential geothermal capacity of the well.
Detail study
The detail study describes and interprets all existing local an regional underground data.In the feasibility study, the structural distribution and the depth of the groundwater reservoir are determined, in order to map the geothermal potential of the location. T&A Survey has a fully equipped seismic working station. The software we use is The KINGDOM Suite, used worldwide by the oil and gas industry.
Feasibility study
Subsequently we determine whether the heat capacity and the production of hot water are sufficient to meet the energy demand. To do so we use regional geological data and available borehole and seismic data. Potential sources of information are:
Publications on regional geo(hydro)logy
2D and/or 3D seismic data
Deep drillings mainly from the oil and gas industry