Seismic Reprocessing for Geothermal energy

Seismic data are used to map the subsurface for the extraction of both geothermal energy and oil & gas. By measuring the reflection of artificially generated vibrations on the surface, we get an impression of the structures in the deep subsurface. Seismics can be used to look into the subsurface for a few kilometers. Collecting and processing the resulting data is a costly procedure. It is also possible to enhance relatively old, already available, seismics from the 1960s to 1980s with new modern algorithms and programs. We call this reprocessing.

Affordable alternative for new seismic data

New seismic data usually give the best results, but reprocessing is a good and affordable alternative. Often, seismic data of an area is already available due to past oil or natural gas surveys. With the help of reprocessing, modern techniques can be used to improve the signal, making the addition of new seismic data unnecessary. T&A Survey has already achieved good results in geothermal energy research.

Better image of reservoir, lower risk

Reprocessing can significantly improve the seismic signal, making it easier to map underground reservoirs. In addition, nearby fractions can be better mapped and analyzed. This way drilling risks can be reduced, but more insight is also gained into the deep subsurface, so that deeper geotermal reservoirs can be better mapped. Because reprocessing significantly improves seismic data, projects can be optimized and risks reduced.

Reprocessed 3D seismic data from the West-Nederland Basin.  
Reprocessed 2D seismic data of the  Zandvoort Hoog.