Deep seismic research

Seismic reprocessing for geothermal energy

Since the 1990s, 3D seismic research  has been carried out in areas of interest for oil and gas exploration, such as Groningen and Westland. 3D seismic research shows the deep structures in the earth's crust with the highest quality and coverage. 2D seismic research was carried out all over the Netherlands until the 1980s, but the coverage and quality of this research are lower.

Reprocessing 2D and 3D seismic data to the current state of the art increases the quality of the seismic and thus the interpretation of the data. In this way, a better picture can be obtained of the distribution of geothermal reservoirs in the deep subsurface.

Deep seismic research
Oil and gas reservoirs in the Netherlands are typically located at a depth between 2,000 and 3,500 meters. Groundwater reservoirs for UDG are located at a depth of more than 4,000 meters. Only a few oil and gas exploration wells and seismic surveys have reached this depth. To get some certainty about the presence of UDG reservoirs, very deep seismic research (> 4,000 meters) must be carried out, possibly preceded by Magnetotelluric (MT) research.

For deep seismic surveys the preparation  is crucial. It is very important that the research proposal is drawn up with expertise and care. In addition, permits and permission from local authorities an landowners must be applied for.

  1. T&A Survey can conduct the entire seismic survey. The field research will be commissioned by T&A and carried out by an external party.
  2. T&A can also carry out project management of the seismic survey, supervising  an external party conducting the field research.

  • T&A employs exploration geophysicists with knowledge of all phases of seismic research. For AKZO Nobel we conducted the project management on seismic research into deep salt layers in the Twente region.
  • Seismic research for many (inter)national clients: (re-) processing and analysis of 2D and 3D seismic data, seismic interpretation and time-depth conversion.