Study of geothermal gradient

T&A's study for the Geothermal Knowledge Agenda (Kennisagenda Aardwarmte) focuses on determining and predicting deviations in the geothermal gradient near geological fault zones in the West Netherlands Basin and Roer Valley Graben. A good prediction of the temperature is essential in geothermal energy projects. The average gradient in the Netherlands is 3.1˚C per 100 meters (depth). This can vary locally and this seems to be related to fracture systems in the subsurface. The study focuses on deviating temperature gradients near large-scale fault zones and the potential consequences (positive and negative) for geothermal projects.      

More about the Kennisagenda Aardwarmte

The Geothermal Knowledge Agenda was set up by industry and the Dutch government to finance research into geothermal energy. The ambition of the Kennisagenda is to develop geothermal energy into an efficient, affordable and reliable heat source for greenhouse horticulture, industry and the built environment by 2030, making it into a substantial contributor to the Dutch energy supply. Objectives of the Kennisagenda include reducing uncertainties and risks (with the focus on the operational phase and the design phase), improving operational and energetic efficiency and extending the lifetime of a geothermal energy source.